Shree Narayan Medical Institute and Hospital

Library Notice & Circulars

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Library Notice & Circulars

Membership of the Library

  • Teaching Faculty
  • Undergraduate Students (MBBS)
  • Any members permitted by the authorities for the access.

The faculty and students shall have to fill the Library Membership Form and obtain the Library card for availing Library facilities. For teaching faculty, a Xerox copy of the Joining Report should be attached to the Library membership form. In case the card is misplaced, a Duplicate Library Card will be issued after payment of Rs.50/- in the office.

Book issue rules

  • Users are divided into the following categories – their entitlements, maximum number of books and number of days of issue is proposed in the following table .Instructors have the privileges to get the text books issued for the whole of the semester.
  • Books will be issued to the users for home study on the following basis

Book Loan Privilege

DesignationBooksIssuing PeriodFine per Days
Faculty2 BooksFor 7 DaysRs. 1/- per day per volume
MBBS Students2 BooksFor 7 DaysRs. 1/- per day per volume
  • The issued books will be renewed ONLY once for all library users.
  • Members to be personally present for borrowing books from the Library.

Books that will not be issued.

  • Reference books, rare books and out of print books
  • Dictionaries, Encyclopedia & Atlases
  • Loose Leaf Volumes
  • If only Single copy is available in library
  • No sub lending of the books borrowed from the Library is permitted.
  • Books and other materials that have been issued out of the library are liable to be recalled at any time and when so recalled they must be returned at once.
  • Before leaving the counter the borrower of the book should satisfy himself/herself. as to whether the book is issued to him/her is in good condition. If a book found defective in any respect, He/ She should immediately bring the matter to the notice of the Librarian. If the book is   found in damaged condition at the time of returning, the borrower will have to replace the book.    
  • Tracing or mechanical reproduction, underlining or taking out pages from the books, disfiguring of the books is strictly prohibited. In such cases the member will have to replace the book or will have to pay the price of the latest edition of the said book.

Delay in returning books

  • All the book issued for home use to students and teaching staff must be returned to the Library within the specified period.
  • A fine of Rs.5 as per Norms per day per volume will be charged from the students for the period of delay.
  • If books issued to the teaching staff members are not received within the specified period, the reminder for returning or renewal of the books would be sent to them. If in spite of sending 2 reminders, for the return of books, the teaching staff does not respond, then a fine of Rs.5 as per Norms per day will be charged.

Renewal of Books

  • Users can also renew the books again after the completion of charging period, subject to not being requested from some other user.

Loss of Books

  • If someone has lost a book borrowed from the library, the concerned will have to pay the cost of the latest edition of the book within one month.


  • No journals will be issued for home reading.
  • Journals will be available for reading in Central Library reference Section only for teaching faculty and students.

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